  • Introduction
  • Bonus lecture: About Plesk Obsidian
Deploying a Lightsail Instance
  • Signing up with Amazon Web Services
  • Deploying a Lightsail Instance with Plesk Onyx
  • Attaching a Static IP to Your Lightsail Instance
  • Connecting via SSH from Windows
  • Connecting via SSH from macOS or Linux
Getting Started with Plesk Onyx
  • Logging in to Plesk Onyx for the First Time
  • Overview of the Plesk Platform
  • Pointing Your Domain's DNS to Your Lightsail Instance
  • Securing Your Plesk Server
Managing WordPress Websites with the WordPress Toolkit
  • Before we continue...
  • Introducing WordPress Toolkit
  • Creating a New WordPress Website
  • Importing Your Existing WordPress Website to Plesk
  • Managing a Remote WordPress Website
  • Securing Your WordPress Websites
  • Updating WordPress on Your Website
  • Setting up Automatic Updates for WordPress Websites
  • Creating a Staging Environment
  • Publishing from Staging to Production
Using Plesk Mail Services
  • Introduction
  • Setting Up the Domain's Mail DNS Records: MX, SPF, DKIM
  • Why You Need a Mail Relay and Signing Up with Mailjet
  • Authenticating Your Domain With Mailjet
  • Reconfiguring the Postfix Mail Server
  • Setting Up WordPress to Send Mail through Plesk's Mail Service
  • Thank You and Good Bye!