Introduction to Human Behavioral Science 單元一:人類行為科學概論
  • Behavioral Science! Why is it important in the AI generation?為什麼行為科學在AI世代很重要
  • Why are people influenced by others?為什麼人類會受到重要他人的影響?
  • Can small changes in people's choice architecture really affect their behavi
  • Teaching assistant robots are as effective as human teachers!
  • Quiz 1測驗一
Unit 2: Obstacles to Human Behavior 單元二:人類行為的障礙
  • What are the six behavioral disorders that may influence human behavior?
  • What evidence can you find in the Netflix case that people's attention and co
  • Why do you buy insurance?為什麼你會買保險?
  • Why is the default or the best when you choose and choose?
  • Why do students drink the night before an exam?為什麼學生會在考試前一晚喝酒?
  • Biased beliefs 有偏見的信念
  • 2.7 How to show the ethical muscle? 如何展現倫理肌肉?
  • Quiz 2 測驗二
Nudge Theory 輕推的理論
  • What is the definition and theoretical basis of Nudge?
  • How to choose type 1 or type 2 nudge? 如何挑選類型1或是類型2的輕推?
  • Can nudge be classified by transparency?原來也可以用透明度來分類nudge?
  • How to use the matrix to classify transparent, non-transparent, and type 1
  • How to ethically choose the nudge of human behavioral intervention?
  • Quiz 3 測驗三