Hello, nice to meet you
  • Introduction
How important is your attitude?
  • What is an attitude?
  • Working with your beliefs to create the attitude you want
Taking control!
  • Locus of Control, energy reserves and learning to ask for help
  • Learning to live in the moment, bucket lists and understanding time differently
Have an attitude of Gratitude!
  • Start your gratitude diary and take beauty breaks
Tap into your Spirituality!
  • Does spirituality make a difference?
The power of the subconscious mind can be used!
  • Affirmations and visualizations
Remember to laugh!
  • The healing power of tumour humour
Create your space and wrap up
  • Create a comfortable environment, learn to say no and wrap up
Bloopers - time to laugh
  • We have included our outtakes - just for FUN!
Section 10 - Visualization
  • Here is a visualization for you to use! Enjoy