  • Introduction
  • Deep Learning Interview Preparation Introduction
Where can I find the most popular first 1-50 Deep Learning Questions?
  • Answer
Deep Learning Pro: Advanced AI Interview Prep
  • What is the difference between generative and discriminative models?
  • What are Autoencoders and How Do They Work?
  • Can You Explain How Autoencoders Can be Used for Anomaly Detection?
  • How can uncertainty be introduced into Autoencoders, & what are the benefits?
  • Can you explain what VAE is and describe its training process?
  • Can you explain the training & optimization process of VAEs?
  • Padded Convolutions: What are Valid and Same Paddings?
  • What is the impact of Stride size on CNNs?
  • What is Pooling, what is the intuition behind it and why is it used in CNNs?
  • Describe how Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) work
  • How do minimax and Nash Equilibrium affect GAN training?
Bonus Section
  • Bonus Lecture