A GPT course for C# developers
  • Introduction of this course
  • About the tutor - Just Go For It!
Intro of GPT, ChatGPT and OpenAI API
  • What is GPT?
  • The evolution of ChatGPT
  • GPT models and APIs
Preparing the prerequisites
  • Heads up notice!
  • Sign up for OpenAI
  • Provide a payment method
  • Generate a secret API key
  • Install Visual Studio
Quick Start
  • Qick start
  • Codes generated by ChatGPT
  • How does your first GPT app work?
  • Secure API Key
Chat Completion API
  • Prompt - The Request Body
  • Response - The Chat Completion Object
  • Develop C# Chat Completion Classes
  • Modify C# Chat Completion Method
  • Finish_reason and Usage Tokens
  • Beautify The Chat Page Style
What's next?
  • What's next?