  • Introduction
  • What is Javascript?
  • How Javascript Works
  • Javascript Console
  • Objects in Javascript
  • Javascript Syntax
Basic Syntax
  • Primitive Data
  • Variables, Constants & Assignment
  • Arithmetic Operator’s & BODMAS
  • Assignment Operator’s
  • Code Editors & Debugging
  • Functions or Subroutines
  • Objects & Arrays
  • Embedding Objects & Arrays
  • Member Access
  • Computed Member Access
  • Member Creation, Assignment & Deletion
  • Array Modification
  • Callable Objects
  • Memory Hoisting
  • Scope & Closures
  • Inferred Globals & Scope
  • This Context
  • Constructors
  • Prototype
  • Constructors with Prototype
Comparison & Conditional Execution
  • Comparison Operators
  • If Statements
  • For & For In Loop's
  • Let ES6
DOM Manipulation
  • Understanding the Document Object Model
  • Targeting DOM Element’s
  • Changing Element's Content's
  • Changing Element Style's
  • Event Handlers
  • Create & appendChild & insertBefore method's
  • Final Project
Final Overview
  • Conclusion & Goodbye
  • Bonus Lecture