Course Introduction
  • Your Introduction to SQL for Data Analysts
Getting Started and Selecting & Retrieving Data with SQL
  • Learn SQL SELECT Statement: Hands-on Practice with Examples
Essential Filtering & Calculation Techniques in SQL
  • SQL WHERE Clause: Using Comparison Operators (>, <=, >=, <, IN, OR, NOT,BETWEEN)
  • SQL LIKE Clause Explained: Hands-on Practice with Examples
  • SQL DISTINCT Clause Explained: Removing Duplicate Data for Analysis
Essential SQL Skills: Aggregates, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, & DISTINCT for Analysis
  • SQL Aggregate Functions Explained: COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX (Hands-on)
  • SQL GROUP BY & HAVING Explained: Grouping & Filtering Data with Aggregates
  • SQL LIMIT & ORDER BY Explained: Controlling & Ordering Data Results
Putting it All Together: Mastering Complex SQL Queries
  • Conquering Complex Queries: Understanding the Why and How
  • SQL for Real-World Solutions: Applying Complex Queries to Data Analysis