Building the Financial Foundation
  • The Role of Finance in Small Business
  • Legal Structures and Financial Implications
  • Creating a Solid Business Plan
  • Accounting Basics for Small Business
  • Financial Statements and Analysis
  • Summarized Reading Material
  • Section 1 Quiz
Fundamentals Of Financial Management
  • Budgeting and Financial Projections
  • Managing Business Credit and Debt
  • Tax Planning and Compliance
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Funding Your Small Business
  • Summarized Reading Material
  • Section 2 Quiz
Cash Flow Management
  • The Importance of Cash Flow
  • Pricing Strategies and Profit Margins
  • Invoicing and Accounts Receivable Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Cash Flow Improvement Strategies
  • Summarized Reading Material
  • Section 3 Quiz
Financial Analysis and Decision-Making
  • Financial Ratios and Performance Metrics
  • Break-Even Analysis and Cost Control
  • Capital Investment and Expansion
  • Exit Strategies and Succession Planning
  • Summarized Reading Material
  • Section 4 Quiz
Compliance, Reporting, and Continued Success
  • Regulatory Compliance and Reporting
  • Business Valuation and Exit Planning
  • Financial Sustainability and Long-Term Success
  • Imaginary Case Studies
  • Section 5 Quiz
  • A Sweet Farewell and Continuing Journey