  • Course and Instructor Introduction
  • How to make the best of this course
  • Download Slides
  • Download Theory Notes
  • What is Python?
  • Why Python?
  • Basics
Software Setup and First Python Script
  • Introduction
  • Install Python
  • Install PyCharm
  • Download the completed projects and Assignments
  • First Python Program
  • Comments
  • Python Indentation
  • Introduction
  • Numeric Types
  • Complex , Binary and Hexadecimal Types
  • Boolean Types
  • Type Conversion Functions
  • Identifiers
  • Datatypes
  • Datatypes
Sequence Types
  • Introduction
  • Create a string
  • Slicing a string
  • Steps in slicing
  • Strip the spaces
  • Few more string methods
  • Data Types
  • Create a list
  • Adding and removing list elements
  • Few more list functions
  • Tuple
  • Use a Tuple
  • List to Tuple
  • List vs Tuple
  • Set Type
  • Frozen Set
  • List and Set
  • Tuple
  • range type
  • bytes and bytearray
  • Dictionary
  • Dictionary
  • Immutability
  • Datatypes Patient Usecase
  • Map of Lists Usecase
  • Sequence Types
Special Types
  • None type
  • Escape chars
  • Constants
  • del keyword
  • Data Types Summary
  • Special Types
Operators and Operands
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Operators BMI Usecase
  • Operators and Operands
Input and Output functions
  • Introduction
  • print
  • print and string formatting
  • input
  • reading multiple inputs
  • Grocery Checkout System
  • Input and Output functions
  • Input and Output Functions
More Programs
  • Read and Display student details
  • Average of three numbers
  • Area of a circle
  • Using the math module
Flow Control Statements
  • Introduction
  • If Else Syntax
  • Find even or odd number
  • IF Else Ladder
  • Handle Zero
  • If-Else Ladder
  • While Syntax
  • Display numbers from 1 to 20
  • Odd numbers between given numbers
  • For Syntax
  • using for loop
  • product of numbers in a list
  • multiplication table of a given number
  • break
  • continue
  • assert
  • More Programs - Remove Duplicates in List
  • More Programs - Count Vowels in a word
  • More Programs - Handle employee Details